ROLLING MEADOWS, IL., [December 15, 2020]— rf IDEAS, a leading manufacturer of credential readers for authentication and logical access, announced a new technology partnership with Nymi, the creator of the Nymi Band™, an innovative workplace wearable wristband for secure hands-free authentication. This partnership will enable 100% contactless authentication to networks, data, applications, and devices for industries that must maintain the strictest standards of hygiene.
rf IDEAS is a well-established leader in contactless credential readers, including WAVE ID® readers that incorporate Bluetooth® Low Energy technology for use with mobile credentials. The Nymi Band is a sleek rechargeable device worn on the wrist that is unlocked via personal biometrics. It also incorporates Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity, enabling instant multi-factor authentication when used with WAVE ID readers.
In many industries—such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, biotech and more—users are challenged with the need to access multiple secure systems, often while wearing personal protective equipment, taking extraordinary measures to avoid the spread of germs. The rf IDEAS and Nymi partnership will greatly simplify authentication in these environments.
Andrew Foxcroft, Vice President at Nymi explained, “A hospital could enable single sign-on access to medical records, secure printers, nursing stations, medication carts and more with a wave of our Nymi Band over an rf IDEAS reader. There’s no need to type a password, handle an ID card, or even remove gloves.”
Tod Besse, SVP, Global Sales & Marketing at rf IDEAS, agreed, “It’s a real game-changer: a completely touchless, hands-free authentication solution that doesn’t require facial or retinal scanning. With the combination of the Nymi Band, WAVE ID readers, and our expertise across a wide range of industry-specific security needs, we’re frankly very excited to be transforming contactless authentication through this partnership.”
To learn more about using the Nymi Band with your rf IDEAS reader visit www.nymi.com.
About Nymi Inc.
Nymi is a Toronto-based technology company that is enabling true digital transformation while protecting the health, safety, and security of connected workers. Nymi's workplace wearable, the Nymi Band, provides organizations with a platform to achieve zero-trust security principles and biometrics authorization with the additional ability to solve a variety of challenges that impact productivity, compliance, health/safety and culture. Today, Nymi serves 9 of the 10 top pharmaceutical companies to deliver data integrity and security, allowing highly regulated industries to achieve compliance securely and efficiently. For more information, please visit nymi.com.
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Frances Lorenzo Marketing Manager
About rf IDEAS
rf IDEAS, Inc. is a leader in the credential and card reader space for healthcare, manufacturing, government and enterprise. Partnering with leading technology companies, rf IDEAS readers enable innovative solutions for single sign-on, secure printing, attendance tracking and other applications that require authentication. rf IDEAS readers support nearly all credentials worldwide including the growing set of mobile credentials. For more information, visit www.rfIDEAS.com.
rf IDEAS® is a registered trademark of rf IDEAS, Inc. All other trademarks, service marks and product or service names are property of their respective owners.
Media Contact Megan Flynn
P: 312.573.2220 x209
E: Marketing@rfIDEAS.com